Re-Envisioning Retirement Security: What is Retirement USA?

What is Retirement USA?   

Retirement USA is a national initiative that is working for a new retirement system that, along with Social Security, will provide universal, secure, and adequate income for future retirees. The initiative has developed 12 Principles for a New Retirement System, which provide a framework for a future system in which employers, workers, and the government would share responsibility for the retirement security for all American workers.
  • Retirement USA has been convened by five organizations – the AFL-CIO, the Economic Policy Institute, the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, the Pension Rights Center, and the Service Employees International Union. These organizations have joined together to raise awareness about the need for comprehensive reform for the future.
  • A growing number of organizations are supporting the Retirement USA principles (see list)
While the individual organizations involved in this effort are all committed to pushing the current system as far as it can go – preserving and strengthening defined benefit pension plans, promoting reforms to improve 401(k) plans, and expanding retirement plan coverage – we cannot ignore the fact that the current system, regardless of how many changes are made, will remain inadequate and insecure for millions of workers.  

What are the goals of the Retirement USA conference?

Retirement USA’s conference, “Re-Envisioning Retirement Security” will:
  • Highlight the shortfalls of the current system and promote a national dialogue on the need for comprehensive reform for the future;
  • Educate policymakers and the public about why incremental reforms alone cannot lead to universal coverage, security and adequacy; and
  • Discuss a range of “visionary” proposals that could potentially lead to a truly universal, secure, and adequate system so that every worker will be able to realize the American dream of a decent retirement.
Following the conference, Retirement USA will launch a long-term public education and grassroots campaign. View a printer-friendly version of What is Retirement USA? [PDF]