Retirement USA in the News

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$6.6 Trillion Retirement Savings Shortfall Shows 401(k)'s No Replacement for Pensions

by Kenneth Thomas, Business Insider, January 25, 2013

Many employers have embraced 401(k) and other defined-contribution accounts as a way of helping workers save for retirement while relieving themselves of the financial risks that come with managing a traditional pension plan.

Capping big pensions: How much is too much?

by Ed Mendel, Capitol Weekly (Sacramento, CA), April 04, 2012

Regents last week reaffirmed the use of a federal IRS cap on the amount of pay used to calculate UC pensions, an inflation-adjusted $250,000 limit this year that also is proposed in a bill capping the pensions of all new hires in state and local government.

Most Baby Boomers Will Work for Life

by Dave Bernard, U. S. News & World Report, October 21, 2011

Many baby boomers will continue to work after retirement. The decision to work during the traditional retirement years may be a choice or beyond our control.

Retirement at risk

by Eric Ruth, News Journal (Wilmington, DE), September 25, 2011

Most are way behind, lack skills to plan life after work

401(k) Plan Revamp Eyed By Senate Finance Committee

by Lyneka Little,, September 14, 2011

With less than one-half of workers having access to a retirement plan and even fewer saving enough for their old age, Congress is looking at ways to help get more Americans on track to a secure retirement.

Social security "chained CPI" proposal threatens economic security

by Joan Kuriansky, Wider Opportunities for Women, and Paul Nathanson, National Senior Citizens Law Center, The Hill's Congress Blog, July 22, 2011

Behind closed doors in Washington, the budget negotiations continue. And no matter which deal gets made, it appears the outcome will significantly threaten the economic security of America’s middle class families and seniors.

All About Pensions: Private Sector

by Brian Lehrer, WNYC, March 16, 2011

Robert Hiltonsmith, policy analyst at Demos, and author of their report The Failure of the 401(k), looks at the current state of private sector retirement plans and what alternatives there are to the 401(k) deferred savings plan.

ERISA Class-Action Suits Shape U.S. Retirement Future

by Fran Denmark, Institutional Investor, February 16, 2011

 Underfunded pensions, outdated regulations and fiscal troubles threaten the nest eggs of millions of American Workers. In the absence of a national retirement policy, litigators in the courts — not lawmakers — have played an outsize role in shaping America’s retirement future.

Retirement USA article

National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare Winter 2011 Newsletter, February 07, 2011

The magnitude of the nation’s retirement income crisis was revealed during a press conference about the Retirement Income Deficit — the gap between the pensions and retirement savings that American households have today and what they should have today to maintain their living standards in retirement.

Cutting Social Security will not fix the national debt

by Karen Friedman, Christian Science Monitor, December 28, 2010

After President Obama's debt commission, Social Security is becoming a popular target for fiscal hawks.